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Twelve Months Support for Widows and Orphans of Hall County, Georgia, Book A, Annotated

2009: 267 pages. softbound
$35.00 postpaid

In 1838, the Georgia Legislature enacted a statute allowing widows and orphans to apply for twelve months support from the estate of the deceased husband or father. Book A, located at the Probate Judge’s office in Gainesville, contains applications for 199 widows and orphans who desired to receive this assistance. The applications covered in this book date from 1869 to 1902.

The formal application contains many items of a genealogical interest. Deceased’s name, date of death, place of death, age at his death, names and ages of children, assessment of the estate, property owned by deceased, if there were a will, chattels set aside for the widow or orphans, names of appraisers, names of Ordinaries, and parents of deceased are some of the items which are generally included in the application, but not in every case.

Besides the applications, additional sources were searched to be included in this publication to assist families in obtaining further information. When available the following sources were inspected: cemetery records, federal census records, inventories and appraisals, marriage records, minute books, obituaries, Superior Court records, and wills.

A full name index and a glossary of legal terms as well as archaic terms used in the applications and inventories are included.

This 267 page perfect bound book is available for $35.00 postage paid.